Presented below are my latest projects, which have been successfully completed and are displayed with the express permission of my clients, ensuring no intellectual property or legal infringements.
Projects that present this tag show only clips from prototype phases or authorized pieces made available for me to showcase in this portfolio.
Aexia - VR Roleplay Gateway
@Strawberry Fields Interactive
Unity VR Architect & Lead Developer
Architecture, Scripting, IP frameworks and tools, multiplayer (PUN2), scriptable object driven, profiling.
Backend: AWS C# Lambdas. MySQL. Database design and Unity API implementations.
Unity Cloud Build, Jira, Bitbucket integrations, Game Driver (automated tests)
Aexia is a platform aimed at role players to build stories and share with friends, replaying all the acting involved in that game style, but unleashing the power of the VR environment.
My acts are as solution design, tech guide for product roadmap, VR developer for interactions and complex core structures for authoring and multiplayer enablement. Comms, UX prototyping, editing tools, UGC usage and control over 2 layers of physics and interactions (giant Game Master and small players inside the game)
Aexia Gameplay Trailer
AzVerso Sports Arena VR
Conexia @Compass.UOL
Unity VR Architect & Team Lead Developer
Modularized architecture, multiplayer-first approach (PUN2), UI/UX design, scriptable object driven, profiling/performance adjustments. Led a team of 5 developers with Tech Art and Art Director peers.Photon voice for comms.
Together with talented Junior developers at Compass.UOL, this Sports Arena is an educational version of 'Sports Scrambled'. Targeted for Meta Quest 2 this VR game contains 3 activities: basketball, fishing, painting, and an institutional movie in a cozy room. All installations are ad-hoc and also developed a PC companion app for an improved remote screen sharing.
AZVerso Sports Arena VR
Arezzo 50th Anniversary Gallery WebXR
Arezzo&Co @Compass.UOL
WebXR Developer
Scripting, Animations, UI/UX, WebXR, AR visualization using Google model-viewer.
Backend: database and Python API, analytics, AWS S3 model storage.
Manage third-party 3D photogrametry scans, optimization and model refinament
This project delivered a mobile VR (3DoF) experience in visiting the flagship store of Arezzo&Co in São Paulo, for it's 50th anniversary celebrating classic shoes and stylish purses rebranded and made avaliable in AR with rich detailes.
Arezzo Gallery WebXR
MotoZ AR Experience
Motorola @MondoDX
Unity Developer & AR Designer
Scripting, Animation, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, PC Installers, Backend: Database and Python API, analytics.
LiveOps: Addressalbles with remote updates and configs.
This project delivered a 30x50in "smart counter" unsig a PC-based Unity app to create a AR representation of mods that could be attached to a MotoZ phone, enabling extra features, like speakers, a Polaroid camera, a mini-projector. Using AR we showcase those features attaching virtual mods to a physical phone in this portable counter.
MotoZ AR Experience
LNG Distribution VR
Borborema @MondoDX
VR Developer & Tech Lead
Scripting, Animation, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, VR interactions (Oculus Quest 1), Hand tracking and controllers.
Backend: database and Python API, analytics and third-party SDK for maps (ArcGIS).
In this VR experience you can position logistics elements in Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) distribution systems, such as Ship ports, truck hubs, roads, power plants, thermoeletric power stations, and connect the elements for the best cost-benefit in distribute LNG inside the Brazil coast considering all costs and outcomes involved.
LNG Distribution VR
DASBox Showcase VR
Eppendorf @MondoDX
VR Developer & Tech Lead
Scripting, Animation, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, VR interactions Oculus Rift, Hand tracking with Leap Motion.
In this VR development, we integrate one of the first experiences using hand tracking with Leap Motion (prior to any Quest releases) to make a one of it's kind giant size demonstration of operation of a complex laboratory device for blood cells mixtures and analysis
DASBox Showcase VR
DASBox Showcase AR Cube
Eppendorf @MondoDX
AR Unity Developer
Scripting, Animations, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, AR interactions with ARFoundation.
Following the VR project, I developed an AR experience using a cubic image tracker to provide a steady tracker with a piece of marketing to showcase this fantastic and complex laboratory device for blood cells mixtures and analysis. All movements to the virtual product is made by positioning the physical paper cube, distributed for free.
DASBox Showcase AR
Warehouse Supervision AR
Bosch @MondoDX
AR Unity Developer
Scripting, Animations, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, AR interactions with ARFoundation.
In this prototype we covered 36,000m2 of an indoor warehouse in São Paulo, identifying 27,000 positions, all using ARFoundation point-cloud mapping re-inforced with image trackers to floating-point correction. The proposal interacts with backend information and could add pictures and stock position, forseeing forklift stop-by and potentialy optmizing product dispatch.
Warehouse Supervision AR
NDestry Automated Checklists AR
Compass.UOL @MondoDX (IP aquired)
Mobile AR Unity Developer
Scripting, Animations, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, AR interactions with ARFoundation.
Backend database with Python API integrations.
Live Ops and UGC with addressables in AWS S3 storage.
Web portal design and implementation with PHP, HTML, CSS and JS.
This mobile app provides a customizable checklist for machinery maintenance, with features like video and photo integration, AR capabilities to recognize image trackers for routines, digital twin to make a follow-along tutorial among other extended features in companion apps: Ndestry Editor e Ndestry Remote.
3D models and images from machinery and equipments can be uploaded to a proprietary portal to better customize the maintenance technician needs.
Fees may apply
Ndestry Automated Checklists
Veolia Digital Portfolio
Veolia WaterTech @MondoDX
Mobile AR Unity Developer
Scripting, Animations, Shaders, FX, UI/UX, Tech Art, Performance, AR interactions with ARFoundation.
Live Ops with documents in Google Drive storage.
Localization for 5 different languages with cloud updates for terms and images.
In this project I added a family of 5 different water filters, that can be assembled together with animations and functions activated in the AR virtual model. Real size models are used to support sales in planning client space for product placement and basic tutorials about how to replace disposable parts.
Only for Veolia corporate employees